strjevanje poliuretanskega lepila

Polyurethane glue is a not so regular type of adhesive and it consists of two parts - resin (thick liquid) and hardener. These two parts mixed together form a hard glue that is bonding to the point of sticking things permanently. This kind of glue is useful because it can bind almost anything, and as a result it will not lose its strength if wet or exposed to weather. But, remember that polyurethane glue requires a long time to dry. However, it may take a full 24 hours for the glue to hold at its strongest and fully cure.

Less Hardener: The hardener is the glue that will make it dry faster. Applying additional hardener will result in faster drying of the glue. But be very careful! In contrast, if you use too little hardener the glue will not stick well and your project may collapse.

    How to Speed Up Polyurethane Glue Cure Time

    Polyurethane glue: This is very much in demand due to high strength level, it can be used on almost any material. Although its long drying time can make it very challenging to use. While it is a blessing in disguise, some other tips you need to work with this glue are the following:

    Confirm the Directions: Some polyurethane adhesives have various established time frames and directions. As always, when you start using the glue do read up on its label carefully. This helps you to get an idea of the time involved and how best to make use of it.

    Why choose Kaiwei polyurethane glue cure?

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