pur glue

Do you like to create arts and crafts or get involved with DIY projects at home, school? Some of you may be utilizing white or hot glue to do so. But have you ever heard of Pur Glue? It is an extremely strong and durable glue. Today, we are here to get into a deep dive behind the product Pur Glue and what is different about it that makes this adhesive ideal for any project.

    Say Goodbye to traditional Glues with Pur Glue.

    Just imagine all of the common adhesives you may have tried. Is white glue perhaps or hot glue? There purpose and place in the universe is for certain projects but they are also usually sloppy, messy and don't really hold shit together very well. It can bond the edges of metals too, thus making PUR Glue different than regular glues. That’s right! Able to Bond Difficult-to-Bond Materials And Pur Glue does not leave any mess, it dries as a solid and transparent mass unlike other glues. So, the wet food will not get on your hands or overflow outside.

    Why choose Kaiwei pur glue?

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